Meet one of the kindest bloggers I have met online! He is an Interior Architect and Furniture Designer and blogger. His name is Stuart Wilson.
Stuart Wilson
Stuart lives in London since 2007. Stuart started blogging to share his passion for interior design and furnitue with others and he even likes to take his camera with him to capture everything during his strolls through London. It’s time to ask Stuart some questions.
Interview with Stuart Wilson
A while ago I asked Stuart if I could ask him some questions because I wanted to know a little bit more about him. His blog, What Wilson Wants, is as he says, a design notebook where he can share his passion online. Stuart is also very active on Pinterest. Let’s start with the questions!
What do you blog about?
Stuart: “My blog is a place for me to share my love for brilliant design, fabulous places and generally things I get excited about. It’s a design notebook, sharing my favourite things from the design world including Interiors, Furniture, Lighting, Product Design, Photography etc, but it also shows a bit of my everyday life with strolls through London, and visits wherever my legs take me… always on the hunt and discovery of new treasures :) ”
When and why did you start blogging?
Stuart: “I truly love sharing my passions with others and seeing peoples enjoyment in return. I started my blog as a place to keep all the beautiful images I find and store them all in one place. I am so pleased with each and every post I write and get so excited about sharing my inspirations with my fantastic blog family.”
Where do you find your inspiration?
Stuart: “I try to get as much inspiration from places I go and people I see. I am a true believer that there is inspiration in everything you see, from the colour and shape of leaves on the trees to photos I take on walks around London. Like all of us, I get a lot of inspiration from the beautiful images on sites such as Pinterest. These scrapbook sites are great sources of inspiration all in one place.”
How do you make your house a home?
Stuart: “My idea of home are personal details and personal touches… I think there is a big difference between the two! When I refer to personal details, I mean the details like how ‘you’ perceive comfort (curtain / blinds, carpet / timber, traditional mouldings / Shadow gap skirting). And I love personal touches like, cozy cushions, vintage lamps that reflect my style, personal photo gallery in skinny frames. Personally I go for a combination of modern details, eclectic furniture and lovely diffused lighting… This works really well in making a cozy home.”
What is the one thing you couldn’t live without at home?
Stuart: “I couldn’t live without my Mid-Century Sideboard – It looks great in any interior and it will be with me forever.”
Whose personal style do you most admire?
Stuart: “I love the style of Anna, owner of the amazing blog She has such a great eye for detail and styling. I always get excited when I see a new post as I know I’m going to love it… and I always do.”
What is your favorite thing to do when you are not blogging?
Stuart: “I am a keen amateur photographer. I love going out in all weathers every weekend with my camera at the ready. I go for long walks with friends and takes photos of whatever catches my eye.”
Stuart thank you so much for answering my questions. I hope you have enjoyed answering them and I hope my readers learnt a bit more about you and your blog.
Let’s connect!
If you are in need of some inspiration or just curious about life in London, England, follow Stuart online: instagram | pinterest | twitter
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