There is a new blogger in town, he lives in Sydney, Australia and his name is Chris Carroll and his blog is called The Life Creative! Chris started blogging in November 2012, he will tell you more about it when answering my questions.

INTERVIEW | Chris Carroll from The Life Creative - TLC Interiors - Interior Stylist + Blogger + Presenter | ARCHANA.NL #interview


Chris Carroll

Meet Chris Carroll from The Life Creative blog and what a creative life he lives! and gladly he is sharing it with us and now I want to “share” Chris with the readers of my blog and the rest of the world.

You all know that I love reading blogs and I am always looking for inspiration, online and offline, and when something’s new comes along I have to read all about it. In this case it’s someone new. Chris and I connected on Twitter a few months ago and since then we kept in touch via Facebook and Instagram too. Through Social Media Australia isn’t that far and we can keep each other up to date online.

Chris shares his creative life and obsession for homewares on his blog as well as photo’s of his creative finds, his decorating skills and, what I like the most, Chris is a genius in restyling projects (DIY) and he is very creative in making something unique out of something “simple”. You just have to visit his blog to see all the creative things he has done.


Interview with Chris Carroll

Chris, it is a great pleasure that you took some time for answering my questions. I know you are very busy and rocking the bloggers world with your creative charms and creative finds but I know for sure that I had to have you on my blog. So, thank you for doing this. Let’s start with the questions!


What do you blog about?

Chris: “My blog is all about living a creative life, but focuses mainly on decorating as I am obsessed with homewares. It’s uniquely Australian and showcases stores I love, books I am reading, places in the community with great decor as well as sharing decorating hints and tips that I have picked up along the way. Oh, and some DIY projects throws in for good measure!”


When and why did you start blogging?

Chris: “I started The Life Creative in November 2012. I wanted to share my love of homewares with people and impart some of the decorating lessons I have learnt. I also wanted to connect with other creative types and use my journalism background to interview people and connect like-minded creative folk with one another. It’s only been going for eight months but is already appearing in magazines locally, so I’m really pleased people are wanting to live ‘The Life Creative’!”


Where do you find your inspiration?

Chris: “I love home TV shows, so I watch a lot of those. I also look to other blogs for inspiration and read a tonne of homewares magazines and books. I hope to release my own book at some stage so I am always out and about in stores taking photos and gathering quite a collection of pictures. I am also studying Design at the moment at the International School of Colour and Design, so I always walk out of class pretty inspired.”


How do you make your house a home?

Chris: “For me, I think personalisation is key. I have trinkets, momentos and keepsakes around. I like to keep it playful and relaxed. I think a home should be quite expressive of who lives there. I like my home to be a little bit rough around the edges (I also have two cats, so they ensure the place looks “lived in”!)”


What is the one thing you couldn’t live without at home?

Chris: “Cushions. I go a bit mad for cushions. I have way too many, get over them way too quickly, and just keep buying more. I recently got a sewing machine, so I am in the process of making my own cushion covers to cover the cushions I am currently sick of. It’s a vicious cycle!”


Whose personal style do you most admire?

Chris: “In terms of home styling, I have local Aussies who I adore; Shaynna Blaze, Megan Morton and the crew at Inside Out Magazine always style things beautifully. Internationally, I love what Holly Becker of Decor8 does as well as Will Taylor of Bright Bazaar and Igor Josef at Happy Interior Blog – they’re all pretty amazing and would definitely make my dinner party invite list; what a creative table that would be!”


What is your favorite thing to do when you are not blogging?

Chris: “I am kind of always blogging lol! If I am not blogging I am focussing on my design course, flipping through homewares mags or taking photos of places in my neighbourhood that I love. I tend to have a million things going on at once in that respect. If I do decide to have a “timeout” moment, I usually sit in front of my cable tv and watch my recorded home makeover shows – that is my way of relaxing (and a drink of wine never hurts either!)”


Chris, thank you again for answering my questions. I hope my readers learnt a bit more about you and your blog like I did and yes, I totally agree about the bloggers you mentioned, that dinner party would be fantastic! Where can I sign up? :-)


Let’s connect!

If you are in need of some inspiration or just curious about life in Sydney, Australia, follow Chris and let him take you on a creative trip: website | facebook | instagram | pinterest



INTERVIEW | Chris Carroll from The Life Creative - TLC Interiors - Interior Stylist + Blogger + Presenter | ARCHANA.NL #interview